havering sixth form

My second option is Havering sixth form because the sixth form has 70 courses including over 40 A levels and wide range of Btec course, many of which can be combined with A levels. The College also has wide range of enrichment programmes, additional qualifications and student-led clubs, and high grades on level 3 Btecs is good with 62% of students achieving a Distinction, of which 30% of these achieved a Distinction*.

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Furthermore havering sixth form college result 2017- their overall A level pass rate, passes at A* and A, high grades A*-B and A-C are all their highest for the last three years. 96% overall pass rate went up 1% on last year. A total of 24 of their A level courses achieved 100% pass rate and over 80% of courses achieved pass rates of 90% or more , the college has virtual learning environment(VLE) the VLE provides resources and activities to support students learning for a wide range of subjects as well as their staff work with a number of organisations to locate work experience opportunities for students across the college.

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Students are also supported in accessing apprenticeships, school leaver programmes and voluntary work opportunities throughout the year along with specialist support is available in college for students with a wide range of physical, educational and emotional needs. The College is fully equipped with a wireless network, covering all buildings and outside areas, the wireless network provides connection for a range of mobile devices. These mobile devices are used in a number of subject to support learning in the classroom. During your time with havering sixth form you will be able to attend a range of events, taster sessions at universities and places of work.

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The course i will study at havering sixth form is Creative Media Production (Tv and Film)BTEC Diploma 2-YR, required qualifications are four or more GCSEs(grade A*-C),the reason why i want to study media because when i leave college i wanna get involved with tv or film and it seems like a career i will enjoy a lot because i got a creative mind as well as like to work in a group to produce a project. This course is level 3 two year course of ten lessons per week worth the equivalent of two A Levels .

This course embraces film, tv,music videos, soundtracks and advertising.you will be involved in all aspects of production and working behind the camera, it would suit me because i'm interested in producing films,broadcasts and Tv work and encompasses a wide range of disciplines, including scripting, directing , camerawork, sound editing and special effects.


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